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Reset Password for Tazio Assessment Platform
Reset Password for Tazio Assessment Platform
Written by Chelsea Francis
Updated over a week ago

Alert: If you are trying to log in to your account and keep getting an error message stating "Login failed sorry. - The entered password is invalid" or you have simply forgotten your password, (It happens to the best of us!) The below instructions will give you a detailed, step-by-step explanation of how to reset your password quickly and efficiently.

1. If you are required to access the Tazio Platform to sit your assessment you may receive an email with a link in.

If so, please navigate to the assessment link that you received in your invite email.

Your link may look similar to one of these.

https://(Employer Name)
https://(Employer Name)

(The end will either be a series of numbers or will say portal )

2. Click "Log in here"

3. Click "Reset Now"

4. Click the enter email address field and enter the email address you originally created your account with.

5. Click "Request Reset"

6. Navigate to your email account and wait for a password reset to be received.
You email will look similar to this one.

7. Highlight your new temporary password.

8. Right-click where highlighted and click copy on the drop down menu.

9. Navigate back to Tazio and make sure you are in the 'Login here' page as displayed below.

10. Right click and paste into the password field.

11. Click "Sign In"

12. You will then be asked to set a new password. This password needs to be at least 12 characters long. Please enter your new password into the field highlighted below.

13. Click "Request Reset"

14. You will then be logged in to your Assessment Dashboard.

Alert: Please Note - Some information in this document has been redacted to prevent sharing personal details.


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